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Rooms for rent Lefkada

Useful information about the studios

Perigiali is located 15 kilometers from the city of Lefkada and 1 kilometer from Nydri. A green area suitable for relaxation and rest.
Gianna studios is an accommodation of any kind as the distance from the town of Lefkada is short. It is offered to both families and couples, because it is a quiet environment with little traffic.

The port is 70 meters from the accommodation where you can take a quiet walk with your family or your partner. The nearest Pasha beach is 500 meters away, with pebbles and crystal clear waters. The rooms have a view of the sea, specifically Prigiponnisia (Heloni, Madouri, Skorpios, Sparti) and in the background Meganisi.

The nearest airport is Aktios 34 km (40 minutes) but one can access it from Patras 177 km (3.3 hours), from Thessaloniki 387 km (5 hours) and from Athens 390 km (5.30 hours).

The nearest ports are Igoumenitsa (2.30 hours), Patras (3.30 hours) and Piraeus (5.40 hours).

Gianna studios with an excellent view of the bay of Nidri promise you an unforgettable vacation!